The two of us …

A song from another era and the journey we will be making. Just the two of us and the people we will meet along the way. We love heading to new places with questions. Who are we yet to meet that will somehow change us, influence us, become life-long friends? We are here, you are there and one day our paths will cross. And those of you who are already in our lives, be it recent or many years ago, thank you for your friendship.

I don’t have any qualms about doing this Camino together. We seem to get on ok (it’s been a while, so far so good), enjoy conversation and companionable silence but on reflection, the few disagreements we have might well be travel related. I am navigationally challenged. I need to turn maps upside-down to read them and more often than not I say turn left, when I mean turn right. Have always had the left-right dyslexia problem. Must drive Eddie nuts. He, on the other hand, will not ask for directions. It’s  a man thing.

I can already envisage occasions where we miss one of those yellow arrows and have the ‘this way? no, that way …’ ‘discussion’. There is also no doubt that I am the tortoise to his hare; the tortoise with a distaste for hills. Room for grumpiness there too. So I had to smile when this post appeared on the forum recently:

How to keep from killing your partner on the Camino?

Most of the advice is sensible: walk at your own pace and meet up later kind of thing. But there are tales of encountering bickering couples (horrible for everybody) and even one blunt post stating that the writer left their partner immediately after their Camino.

Then there was this story this week. Yikes, that is one serious disagreement.

After reading these, nah, we will be fine.

Mildly relevant epilogue:  I am writing this at the hairdressers (blog-on-the-fly simulation) and it’s a hot day in Ubud. What more refreshing (and generous) than a surprise es buah, a fruit salad and coconut water concoction, as delicious as it is pretty. The pinkness is buah naga (dragonfruit) and there is fresh coconut, melon and even grapes in here but any fruit will do. With ice (es). Just had to share why we love Bali. No es buah on the Camino but we know there will be other kindnesses as we travel. Most people have good hearts. We all need to remember this. Especially now.


Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence. Henry David Thoreau


2 thoughts on “The two of us …

  1. Liz Turnbull

    I did enjoy the story of the British tourist in the water – still clutching her handbag! At least you won’t need to swim on the Camino unless you want to cool off. I am looking forward to reading all about it! xx


    1. JayJay Post author

      With the Atlantic on our left (unless I get confused again!), swimming is always an option. No handbag though – just the daypack 🏊🏊🏊🏊🏊🏊🏊



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