
If I am to be honest about this venture, I need to share the concerns as well as the enthusiasm. My training has fallen into a big hole. A bout of shingles a few weeks ago has drained all my energy and I can’t even walk to the end of the alley without feeling exhausted. A few of the symptoms returned at the weekend but fortunately haven’t developed further. How on earth am I going to walk 300 or so kilometres when right now I can’t manage 300 metres?

In exactly six weeks we will be in Porto, with a three-day rest before setting off on Friday, 6 May. Is six weeks enough time to recover usual energy levels? It will have to be. We have just one chance at this. Too far. Too expensive. Too old. Birthdays, while I am beyond grateful to still be having them, are always reminders that there are more years behind than ahead, and last week there was just such a memory jog.

The first day’s walk is the longest – 36 km. We can save 10km by catching the metro to the river mouth but that feels a bit disappointing. Porto Cathedral to Santiago Cathedral is the goal. One thought is get our credencial stamped at the Cathedral on Thursday, walk the 20km to the river mouth and back, have a good night’s sleep then catch the metro on Friday to set off along the coast. That might work.

But the current dilemma is rest or train? There’s a good argument for each.

Doubt can only be removed by action. Goethe

4 thoughts on “Doubts

  1. Vivienne Dayman

    Proper recovery is essential before embarking on such a venture, so rest and take selenium, olive leaf extract, rose hip vital, a good B complex and anything else that has a good track record of boosting the immune system. Modify your means of getting to your destination without pangs of guilt. Best to arrive at your destination rather than having to abandon the walk part way.
    Good luck and towards good health.
    Viv xx


  2. JayJay Post author

    Thanks Viv. The usually-infallible jamu has let me down this time and also trying moringa powder. Will dose up on the others when we get back to Australia in April.


  3. Wendy Edgeley

    Mum had the exhaustion that you describe after her bout of shingles, and it lasted almost six weeks to the day, so hopefully you will be much improved by then. I certainly wouldn’t attempt 36 kms on the first day, since that would probably be your last day! That is a long stretch for anyone, let alone someone who has recently had shingles. So take it easy at first, and take advantage of any assistance you can get to reduce the distance, until you know what you can reasonably manage. And certainly don’t feel guilty!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. JayJay Post author

      As it is now 4 weeks to the day for me, Wendy, I am heartened that I may only have a couple of weeks of feeling horrible left and normal life can resume. Hope Miki has now fully recovered. Please pass on our regards to her.



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